vrijdag 6 maart 2015

Translations (to English) - The Hessdalen lights

Last week we accidentally stumbled upon – that’s how it works at StumbleUpon, isn’t it ? – a picture of the so called Hessdalen lights. An interesting phenomenon in the UFO category (it are, until now, non identified flying objects), be it by the sole fact that “real” scientists don’t just dismiss it as imaginary.

The phenomenon is basically all about strange lights being seen since the 1940s (possibly even earlier) in the Norwegian Hessdalen valley. The activity became that frequent in the first half of the 1980s – lights were seen up to 20 times a week – that finally serious scientific research took off, leading to the installation of the automated research station Hessdalen AMS in 1998 and the start of the EMBLA-program, a cooperation between Ostfold University College and the Italian Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.

The lights usually are bright, white or yellow, of unknown origin and standing on or floating above ground level, but that’s about the only thing being certain for now. Because of the overwhelming presence of ore in the valley – the supplies would be much bigger than what was originally in the ground at the nearby Roros, which was the stage for fierce battles at the beginning of WW II – the lights are however often connected to minerals.

That’s also what the newest theory is doing. Scientists now are convinced that the lights are being formed by some natural, underground “battery” created by metallic minerals in reaction with the sulphurous river Hesja flowing through the area. On one side of the river there seem to be rocks containing zinc and iron, at the other side rocks containing copper, and between those two, via the sulphuric water of the river, there would emerge an electrical flow. From that process bubbles of ionized gas would emerge when the sulphurous fumes from the river Hesja react with the humid air of the valley. The fact that geology also forms electromagnetic lines in the valley would account for the orbs moving around (in some cases they just float, in other cases they reach speeds of up to 8 kilometres per second).

The orbs by the way make no sound, seem cool and leave no scorch marks on the ground, but they do on contact kill the soil microbes. Some experts thus judge that the lights are some kind of plasma (that can be cool too and kill soil microbes, but requires high temperatures and much energy to be produced), while others think that they are (despite the fact that they don’t leave scorch marks) some kind of ball lightning, because similar phenomena in China have been seen, though analysis of the Hessdalen lights show that they contain – and that metal is only to be found in Scandinavia – scandium too. Number of scientists meanwhile is convinced that in the solution of the riddle there might be a new manner of storing energy, something which is necessary to contain plasma in the presumed way.

We at The Maier-Files have no problem with that possibility, howeer this “solution” doesn’t explain why the phenomenon is much more active in one period than in another, nor does it provide us with an answer to the fact that in the valley on several occasions large pieces of grass – with weights up to 2000 kilo – were cut out in a perfect rectangular form and moved over several meters without any damage, meanwhile clearing the rocks under it, a phenomenon associated to the lights by the inhabitants of the valley.

Nah, in The Maier-Files we have strange lights appearing too. And, no, we’re not going to explain them right away. Buy Book 1 – The Initiation when it’s published and you’ll get to know something more about it. For now you can of course already read our free prequel.

Björn Roose

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